Easter Sunday is a bit tricky with numerous options, even within the regular lectionary. I’m going to focus on the readings specifically chosen for the early service, or Sunrise Service.
I wrote a short message last year for the Sunrise Service based on the reading from Romans. Whether or not you know it, the Sunrose Service has a reputation for being associated with Baptism. Oftentimes, there is a responsive reading where those assembled reaffirm their baptismal vows. I assume it will be a bit chilly this coming Sunday morning and that’s par for the course here if you think about the first Brethren baptisms in America. They were held on a Christmas Day and some legends have those taking part cutting holes in the ice so that the baptisms could take place…that’s dedication. I hate to ever say that a Scripture is self-explanatory, but sometimes you read it and just understand that there’s very little that you can add. Paul’s words here are nearly beyond description as he lays this out. Verse 11 is the ultimate directive: “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.”
As I look at the Gospel this morning, my eyes are drawn to verse eight. As the women are leaving to share the words of the angel, they went with “fear and great joy.” That mix of fear and joy. The news is obviously joyful, but what about the fear? Despite all the things the two Mary’s had seen while being with and around Jesus, there were still things He could do that would amaze them to the point of fear, He always had something to show them that they had never seen before. As we approach this Easter Sunday, let’s be reminded that there is much we have not seen, much we do not comprehend. Let us look for those new things, new joys, to experience for ourselves and with one another.
As usual, just my initial ramblings and thoughts as I look over the Scripture readings for the first time this week. All Scripture requires much thought and study. Join me this week as we delve into the Word and celebrate our risen Lord!
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