Blessed to be a Blessing


Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship Service

by: Karl Magenhofer



It was during my Old Testament class that I first heard the phrase, “blessed to be a blessing.”  The teacher was describing a new relationship between God and his chosen people.  Being blessed is nice, but there is a calling that comes along with it to bless others.   We should “pass it on” as the old camp song says.


With the above being said, I am often blessed to be a blessing here at the church. I am the point person when we have gift cards to hand out for those who need assistance with groceries, I get to give folks fresh eggs that have been donated by members of the congregation and now I have a new opportunity thanks to the work of our Deacons and the generosity of the congregation.

Trinity UCC, our next-door neighbors, have had a “Blessing Box” for several years now, filled with different non-perishable food items.  People stop by all throughout the week to pick up an item or two to help put a meal on the table.  I was sharing about this wonderful ministry at last year’s Church of the Brethren Annual Conference and a man at my table said that they had participated in a similar thing, but found themselves among several outlets for such items.  He said one thing people are rarely given is paper products and other necessities, such as toiletries.  That discussion made it back to Timberville and after chewing on it for a bit, the Deacons decided the time was right to put up a second “Blessings Box” and fill it with paper products and other items such as dish and laundry soap, shampoo as well as feminine hygiene products.

The new box was filled this past Sunday and placed outside.  We had our first “customer” Monday and as usual I was the one being blessed thanks to the blessings of others.  Maybe its strange, but I have been asked, “can I have a hug?” many times outside the doors of the building as I hand over things like eggs or frozen turkey.  It happened again this time as someone received more than they expected, was shown a little compassion, and was cared for by someone they didn’t know.


Perhaps this is a thank you post to the folks here at Timberville.  I am so thankful to be pastoring in a place where I benefit so richly from the gifts of others and in giving to others.  This is also a thank you to our friends at Trinity UCC, who allow us to partner with them in their food ministry.  I have seen and heard first-hand how much of an impact such a seemingly small thing has on people in our community.  Let's continue to bless those around us in as many ways as we can.

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It was during my Old Testament class that I first heard the phrase, “blessed to be a blessing.”  The teacher was describing a new relationship between God and his chosen people.  Being blessed is nice, but there is a calling that comes along with it to bless others.   We should “pass it on” as the old camp song says.


With the above being said, I am often blessed to be a blessing here at the church. I am the point person when we have gift cards to hand out for those who need assistance with groceries, I get to give folks fresh eggs that have been donated by members of the congregation and now I have a new opportunity thanks to the work of our Deacons and the generosity of the congregation.

Trinity UCC, our next-door neighbors, have had a “Blessing Box” for several years now, filled with different non-perishable food items.  People stop by all throughout the week to pick up an item or two to help put a meal on the table.  I was sharing about this wonderful ministry at last year’s Church of the Brethren Annual Conference and a man at my table said that they had participated in a similar thing, but found themselves among several outlets for such items.  He said one thing people are rarely given is paper products and other necessities, such as toiletries.  That discussion made it back to Timberville and after chewing on it for a bit, the Deacons decided the time was right to put up a second “Blessings Box” and fill it with paper products and other items such as dish and laundry soap, shampoo as well as feminine hygiene products.

The new box was filled this past Sunday and placed outside.  We had our first “customer” Monday and as usual I was the one being blessed thanks to the blessings of others.  Maybe its strange, but I have been asked, “can I have a hug?” many times outside the doors of the building as I hand over things like eggs or frozen turkey.  It happened again this time as someone received more than they expected, was shown a little compassion, and was cared for by someone they didn’t know.


Perhaps this is a thank you post to the folks here at Timberville.  I am so thankful to be pastoring in a place where I benefit so richly from the gifts of others and in giving to others.  This is also a thank you to our friends at Trinity UCC, who allow us to partner with them in their food ministry.  I have seen and heard first-hand how much of an impact such a seemingly small thing has on people in our community.  Let's continue to bless those around us in as many ways as we can.

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